1. Hyacinth
2. Gerbera Pocoroco
3. Berzelia Galpini
4. Pepperberry
Created with fd’s Flickr Toys.
Apart from the brilliant photography and lighting of these blooms (by ksflower on flickr), I really love these colours together. I want to find a way of using really green things (Gerbera Pocoroco? Berzelia Galpini!?) in my bouquets. They look so fresh!
I’m on the look out for “cascading” or “trailing” bouquets at the moment – can anyone help? I love dodder vine and non-traditional flowers, and the colour scheme (if you didn’t already know it from all my blathering) is red, cream, mocha and coffee tones.
I love the hyacinth..and they always smell so lovely…
I love native Australian flowers in a bouquet, their sizes and colours are just…different…amazing
I think hyacinth might be a go! Several people have said how striking and yummy smelling they are, but I’ve never really seen them up close! After looking at this picture I’m inclined to include them in my bouquet!
I love natives as well! There are WAY too many flowers in the world for me to just pick a few!
I had pepperberries in my hair for my wedding. It looked really sweet I think.
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