If you missed out on the pre-order, quit your fearing because I now have a selection of the most popular prints stocked on Fancy Lady Industries. Horah!

My absolute favourite is Fat Cow, but the people’s choice seems to be between I get what I want and Pastry Queen II. Which one is your favourite?
Check out all the prints available over here in the print boutique!
(It sounds fancier if I call it a boutique, yeah?)
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Your works LOVELY!!!!! How can we buy your print… please email me..
Thank you!
My store is Fancy Lady Industries :)
Been meaning to write a thank you for like two weeks- got my World’s Fattest Lady DGAF print and I love it! I bought it on my own, showed it to my signif other when it came, and he loves it too! Thank you for sharing your wonderful art and best wishes to you in all you do!