I’m so glad ess_jay posted this on twitter. INCREDIBLE. It makes me wish I had turned my 8 really hard steps video into a narrative, but I’m the sort of person who helps people illustrate stories not write them! Anyhoo, go watch!
All posts in Fat
Guest blogging on Nerd Girl Army – the big fat deal about “that ad”
Amaya asked me if I’d write up a post about the contraversial ad created by The Foundry for The Gruen Transfer’s Pitch segment. I said “heck yes” and put on my fat activist (or, FATSPERT!) hat. You can read the post over at nerdgirlarmy.com – Gruening with flaws: fat acceptance in Australia.
You’re fat, stop that… somehow?
Photo by Kate O’Brien I haven’t spoken much about body issues here, or about how I’m a fat advocate, but I figure this is as good a platform as any to discuss my own issues with fatness*. It is not acceptable to pick on, alienate, ostracize or discriminate against fat people, and I’m continually astounded…