Where have you been?

Where have you been?

“I just noticed you haven’t been blogging!” At the risk of indulging in some navel gazing and completely turning away those of you who hadn’t already written me off, I thought I might make a low key comeback by interrogating myself and asking why I haven’t been blogging. When I wrote about fatshion blogging and…

Check out my press kit!

Check out my press kit!

About a year ago I was designing a serious press kit. I was going to get advertising and sponsorship and I would have pretty things and shoes and it would have been SO GRAND. I never finished it because it didn’t feel right and I’m glad I didn’t go through with it. I know I…

Blog Housekeeping.

Blog Housekeeping.

If you’ve been to my site in the last few hours you might have noticed that I’ve shuffled a few things about on definatalie.com. The most significant change is that I’m now using the conventional reverse chronologically ordered layout rather than the magazine style layout I’ve had for some time. I made the change for…

New Work

I am drawing my arm off lately for lots of people, but the other day I had a day to do something for me. This piece is bigger than I usually draw, but as a result I can’t scan it without doing bits and stitching them all together. I don’t have the time or patience…