Today was super busy for me and I’d been dreading it a little because the last few months have been fraught with social anxiety and even though I’m starting to pull up out of it, it’s still a challenge. In this blog post bonanza I have TWO (2) outfit photos for your sartorial pleasure as well as some delicious Malaysian food eye candy.
Go get a cup of tea and come back… ok. Now prepare yourself for photographic evidence of all today’s happenings.

First up, a trip into the city to see my psychiatrist. I didn’t want to wear all black today and managed to pull it off with the exception of my shoes and handbag! When we move down the coast I might take advantage of some out of the way op shops and find a nice colourful handbag. Shoes are difficult considering I have big wide feet, so that quest will be a long term project.
Tunic: Target
Jeans: New Look
Blazer: Ebay score for $11
Shoes: Softspots
Necklaces: Ebay/ markets/ gift combo
Brooch: Etsy thanks to Mel!

My favourite thing right now is this brooch that Mel Stringer had sent to me. I’ve conveniently misplaced the business card of the Etsy shop she bought it from though! Ever since I watched She-Devil the other week I’ve been besotted with the Vesta Rose pins given out in the movie. Now I finally have one! Mel you are so precious!

Dress: City Chic
Blazer: Target
Tights: We Love Colors
Shoes: Softspots
Necklaces: Ebay/ markets/ gift combo
Brooch: Again with the Vesta Rose brooch <3
PRESTO OUTFIT CHANGE. As you can see, I wore clothes as per societal contract. Night time isn't terribly conducive to outfit photos so let's leave this here and move on to the food.
Capital idea!
[caption id="attachment_4621" align="aligncenter" width="650" caption="A plate of four vegetable samosas with some sweet chili dipping sauce."][/caption]

Tonight in my second personal challenge of the day I met up with some Brisbane bloggers and the organisers of Malaysia Kitchen, a campaign to spread the delicious joy of Malaysian cuisine throughout Australia. My task for the next four months is to dine at a different Malaysian restaurant every month and report back with photos and my gastronomical experience.
One of the reasons why I really appreciate blogging is the opportunities it affords me that challenge me and push me out of my comfort zone. I got to meet four other bloggers who write about a huge variety of things, and we chatted about our blogs, our passions (and how they inform our blogging) as well as social media. It’s so great to connect with other bloggers in meat space!
Now as a Malaysian Kitchen Blogger Ambassador I get to try lots of food I’ve never had before. If tonight’s meal at Ipoh Laksa was anything to go by, it’s going to be a yummy four months. Being the vegetarian in the group will be interesting and I am curious to see exactly what Malaysian cuisine can offer me.
The owner of Ipoh Laksa brought us a whole bunch of dishes to try, and I loved all the vegetarian options he put in front of me. The samosas were probably the best I’ve ever had; the gado gado is fresh and swims in satay sauce (I am a sucker for satay); and the dahl is a simple yet gorgeously warming mild curry. Others in the group tried the crocodile and some weren’t even aware it was croc until they were told!

I highly suggest following all the Brisbane bloggers taking part in Malaysian Kitchen’s campaign because we all live in different parts of Brisbane and are sure to be visiting a whole bunch of restaurants across the city. Due to my move I’ll be trying out some Malaysian restaurants on the Gold Coast as well as Brisbane, focusing mostly on vegetarian food but I’m sure Nick would love to review meat based dishes too!
For your reading enjoyment:
Dani of Hello Owl
Naomi of Seven Cherubs
Carrie of BNE Hot or Not
Anthony of The Travel Tart
Ipoh Laksa
738 Main Street Kangaroo Point
Geez your fast. It was so lovely to finally meet you.
I was buzzing when I got home and decided to jump right in and blog while the momentum still with me!
Crocodile? Wow! The gado gado looks so delicious and I love that brooch so much!
Awesome! I am from Malaysia and I’ve been following your blog. =) I look forward to your Malaysian food reports. =D Truly excited!
I adore your nighttime outfit so much. Red, black and white is one of my favourite colour combinations, and I love the red tights – it adds a little bit of the unexpected!
Awesome post! love the pictures they look great and it was so lovely to meet you. N x
Cool, looking forward to pigging out on some great Malaysian food!