Loving Melbourne trams

Yes, Nick and I are back and you can expect a solid week of swooning over Melbourne stuff. But first… the trams. I never thought I’d be so enamored of a public transportation system but after a week of catching several trams daily my love is for sure. We even went to the Hawthorn Tram Depot on our first day in town – mostly because Nick is an avid rail fan, but after seeing the beauty in the old lettering and typography on these finely crafted machines I was won over.

Melbourne Tram Museum
Check out all the photos I took at the museum on flickr.

In the collage I did up the top you’ll see a card featuring one of the destination blinds from the old trams, designed and printed by Poulier + Poulier Design; a handmade tram pillow by Mrs Beckinsale featured in this month’s frankie magazine; and a diecast toy tram by Traffic Toys.


  1. I had a similar experience, boring a traveling companion witless at the Bendigo Tram Museum while I took snaps of trams from every conceivable angle. Trams hark back to an era when people cared about details – beautiful curls and curves in luggage rack arms; gold leaf and lettering – I won't go on.

  2. If you did go on I wouldn't hold it against you! Those are the details that make life magical. I couldn't bear a strictly utilitarian and uniform life.

  3. I too share the facination and love for Melbourne Trams! We'll be in Melbourne in April, I can't wait to ride on these little beauties again. :) Great photos Natalie!

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