Tell me about your body

Tell me about your body

After going to TEDxBrisbane and seeing Dallas Clayton’s video on publishing “An Awesome Book” I have been feeling inspired to self publish a book. I’ve also been reading a few old zines, the FaT GiRL zines from the 90s in particular, and I thought I’d start out by publishing a zine on body image – your body image.

My body is an anarchy coat. It looks after me.
So, I put up a question on a Google Form: Tell me about your body in 10 words or less.

Some days my body makes me want to cry
Lots of people have contributed their statements already! Some of them are sad, some are funny, but all of them speak to me of honesty and struggle.

My body is my best friend and my worst enemy

So, how do you feel about your body? You can contribute too. You don’t have to put your real name, but a name is nice because I can illustrate your words and then attribute those words to you. The end product will be an A5 sized zine – I am yet to figure out the details, but I hope to have enough interest in the book to have it colour printed. I will also make the zine available online for free.

If you’re interested in a printed zine, please let me know so I can start figuring out numbers!


  1. definitely interested in a copy of that book! submitted a contribution too :)
    (aka christi)

  2. Zines are great and all… But I don't want a zine of this. I want a hard cover copy that I can give to my neice to leave on her bookshelf. Don't sell yourself short. Don't rob yourself of money, and the world of their chance to need a hard copy. by making it available online. This project is inspiring, moving and courageous. I cannot wait to purchase my copy. x

  3. I would definitely buy a printed copy, but I agree with another poster– you should make a hardcover book. :) It would last long and I could hand it down to the young women in my life.

  4. This is fantastic and I would definitely like to buy a copy! A book version would be incredible, too.

  5. I'm totally with Kate (below) on this one! I'd love to buy one and I think it would make an amazing idea for a book. Count me in! Oh – and here are my 10 words:

    “Never mind aesthetics: whilst it works, I'm grateful as hell.”

    Keep up the good work, Natalie!

  6. breasts–uneven– so are mountains…
    hips wide– so are oceans…

    want a book as well!!


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