YES THAT IS RIGHT! You can pre-order a fat necklace this week. I know I’m a month behind on this but I just haven’t been able to organise everything properly but now is the time to unleash the fat necklaces again in red, black, pink and white as well as purple hologram and gold mirror.

The pre-sale will finish next Friday March 25 2011 and then I will be ordering from my suppliers, producing necklaces and mailing as soon as I can. This time around I’m packaging the necklaces in boxes to protect them during shipping so the postage is a little bit higher but I hope that means that every necklace reaches its new home safely!
Gah! Each time I see these they’re prettier and prettier! But I don’t know if I’m confident enough/can be bothered with the comments I know will come with it when I would wear it :/
When I click on one of the photos, it goes to a link for a Canadian pharmacy. Eeks!
But the necklace is amazing!!!!
Oh no! Thanks for letting me know, it seems my site has been hacked again :(
Will the pre-order still be open tomorrow morning (U.S. Friday)?
I really wanted to pre-order the gold mirror one (or maybe the purple hologram, tee hee), but I don’t get paid until tomorrow morning!
hi i missed the deadline any chance i can still order one thanks
I love these, any chance for silver ones in the future?
Now, if only I had enough money… :P
I ordered one !! Cant wait to get it !!
I ordered one !! Cant wait to get it !!
Dangit, I always seem to be late to the party! Will you have a few necklaces still around after the pre-orders have been fulfilled? I have my eye on the red one; that way I can have THREE scarlet letters, two more than Hester Prynne.
no! ugh, i want to get my paws on one meow!
i want one
Are you still making fat necklaces?