I made myself a copy of a pair of shorts the other day, and ended up with a bit of leftover lightweight teal denim. I pondered what to do with the scraps, then played with Miffy for a while, then looked at the scraps again and VOILA an idea was born: I would make Miffy a little vesty dress to prance around in!
Deciding it was going to be too hot to make the entire thing out of the denim, I concocted a pattern for a vest that would only sit on her back with lining and cute ruffles supplied by some floral remnants from my stash. I used some scrap elastic to secure the vest underneath her and around her chest, but she seems to have conveniently “ripped” the elastic around her chest so I will make a strap with a button closure to fix that problem. (We don’t think she chewed it, I have a feeling it got caught on something in the yard while we weren’t looking.)

This has been a gratuitous Miffy based post. You’re welcome!
I love puppy posts. Having 3 of my own, I think it is adorable to see furry family members of fellow bloggers!! Very cute vest, and I love the description of the pictures. She is adorable. You could go into business making dog clothes. You are so talented.
PRESH. I want a Miffy.
So cute. That is way more accomplished than the sweater-vest I made my old Trixie, using a pink fleece blanket featuring the Jonas Brothers. (it was on sale, ok..?)
Pretty little dog with a pretty little frilly coat! Love it and the colours.
You say that pocket is non-functional, but I bet it’s where she keeps her rainbows and glitter!
OMG I LOVE MIFFY!!!!!!!!! I had a dream a few weeks ago that we got a puppy and we called her Miffy. I couldnt put my finger on where I had gotten that name from…