Doctor Who used to scare me when I was little so I went for a long time without ever really watching it. Just the theme song intro would be enough to freak me out, so I always changed the channel! It wasn’t until this last year that I started actually watching the most recent series with the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, and I really quite enjoyed it. I haven’t watched the series back past this current doctor, but I’ll get around to it one day.

At any rate, I’ve been sewing these bows and this olive and blue madras fabric really reminded me of Doctor Who for some reason, so I decided to put on one of Nick’s shirts and pretend I was the Twelfth Doctor. Why not, eh?

And in a seamless segue, let me whisk you over to Fancy Lady Industries where you can buy a dapper bow of your own! Currently there are five different fabric choices, but I hope to expand that very soon. All of these ties are made especially for bigger necks too! Horah. (I may or may not make smaller sized ties, I want to keep my focus on making accessories for fat people.)
Shirt: Nick’s
Jeggings: Best & Less
Shoes: Grasshoppers via
Cardigan: Asos Curve
Tie: Fancy Lady Industries
Umbrella: My mother-in-law’s.
I may just have to buy a bow of my own … LOVE yours. A lot.
So adorable.
I think you’d make a rad twelfth doctor.