I was just recommending Illustration Friday to Tea when I thought I’d check out this week’s word. SIMILAR! It’s pretty awesome that I’ve done something that ties in so well quite by accident twice now! I am the IF psychic. If you click on the picture it’ll take you to the Red Bubble page where…
Options for Gocco supplies are dwindling rapidly :(
Illustration Friday
I always mean to draw something for Illustration Friday but I never get beyond sketching a few ideas! This week I checked the topic and it fits with something I drew just yesterday! Horah! Natalie Tyler, or Natalie 1, urged me to submit something to the T-shirt Revolution “Inspired by Facial Hair” challenge so I…
Audrey Kawasaki’s Drawing Room show
I thought I’d post some of the work that was in the Drawing Room show which was curated by Audrey Kawasaki. I was really really excited when I first heard this show announced, because three of my favourite Australian artists were included. Lilly Piri – Cherry Bees Catherine Campbell – Gudrun and Ursula Eveline Tarunadjaja…
My feelings on this whole Obama business!
It’s available in t-shirt form too :D
The newest additions to my card collection
I am amassing a tidy little collection of artists’ cards from Red Bubble and it feels good. Mum has a huge collection of cards she has received her whole life and many of them have awesome 1970s illustrations. It’s nice to have a similar collection of cards, except these are more like cards that are…
Nicely done Americaland!
I made you some cupcakes! I took a better photo this morning!
A post about my sisters
My sister visited the Jurlique Farm a few weeks ago and took this photo of some Chamomile flowers. They are so cute, you can imagine one as a kind of ridiculous hat! I painted this for my other sister’s birthday. She’s been travelling Greece and Egypt and is in London at the moment. Her birthday…
Paper cuts hurt!
In the last month I decided to try my hand at a little bit of paper cutting, or scherenschnitte, after seeing a few artists’ work using only a piece of paper and a sharp implement. I started using my old exacto and ended up with three choice calluses on my thumb, pointer and middle finger.…
Like a plump phoenix rising…
Hello, yes it’s me and I haven’t died an unpublicised internet death, in fact I’ve been tumbling and twittering like crazy. I thought I should let you know that for the last few months, blogging has been one of those niggling things at the back of my mind… but whenever I’ve come to do it,…