So, while I’m in a blogging mood I should show you a few things I’ve been doing. Yes, I have been around but I just haven’t been inspired to blog. It seems like everything has been blogged about a million times already, and the only use for me blogging those things is to increase my…
2009 calendars available!
You can now buy a calendar with my paisley drawings from Red Bubble! It includes works that are no longer available to buy as prints, as well as my other paisley themed series “Fancy Hair”, “Paisley Hair” and “Paisley Mofos”. RedBubble calendars are printed on an HP Indigo 5000. Each A3 sized page is a…
I’m still alive!
I’ve just been working on stuff, you see. One of those bits of stuff is evident in the picture above… see the bunch of squiggly lines down the bottom? That’s mah paisleyz on the cover of the launch issue of Peppermint magazine! The magazine is launching this Friday in Paddington, so I might scoot along…
Speaking of typography in poster design…
These are from the Adobe Design Achievement Awards (via Speak Up)… and they’re intimidatingly frelling brilliant. Paul Grabowski TDC NY on the DRUPA 2008 University of Applied Sciences Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt John Passafiume (Process) Indiana University Bloomington
Lettering by hand
Lately I’ve really been getting into hand lettering. I’m totally inspired by Marian Bantjes, Linzie Hunter and Chris Piascik amongst a few others. For a long time I’ve felt either overwhelmed or just flat out imprisoned by computer fonts, so I’m enjoying the freedom of shaping my own words. These are a few of my…
It’s cool to D.I.Y
I don’t often post photography, but Paul Vanzella‘s D.I.Y featuring MissT blew me away tonight. The styling, the subject, the FABULOSITY!!!!
Some pictures of things I’ve been busy making…
Thank you notes for our wedding (yes, late but what else would my friends and family expect from me?) Some drawings of pretty gals. More magazine doodling. Felt paisleys. My rat Willis died on Saturday :( I’ve also been quite busy with freelance design work! If you want to check out my portfolio, it’s over…
What tools do you use?
Pens. PENS! I love pens. I used to be the stationery queen at one of my old jobs, and I got to order all the stationery for the company. I pretty much hated it, but I loved flipping through the catalogue looking at all the pens. The other week I ordered some stuff through JetPens,…
World Youth Day, not so much for youths of the world
you darn punks! by Paul McClintock I don’t often get into divisive topics here, but I need to talk about World Youth Day and what a load of civil rights intruding bollocks it is. Not only are the “celebrations” making it difficult for citizens of Sydney to move around their city for the month –…
My doodles (how rude)
Sometimes I doodle just for the hell of it, and there are a lot of times that I produce things that are kind of cool that I could never sell as prints. For example: lately I have taken to defacing my magazines – it’s a way to reuse paper, and often the paper stock is…