Goodbye Nana

Goodbye Nana

My Nana died on the weekend. She has always been an exceptional woman, and an exceptional Nana. Her love and support for me and my creative work have been unflagging, and she helped me a lot with setting up my shop. I still don’t really know what to say. I spent yesterday scanning photos and…

Forever fance.

Forever fance.

Mia Amber Davis sadly passed away this week and I wanted to take a moment to remember her fabulousness. Mia was a role model, actress, model and activist and loved by so many in the fatshion blogging community. I love paper and I’m always trying to find new ways to use offcuts and scrap print…

It’s nice to share

Print & Pattern This book has been curated by Bowie Style, the author of the Print & Pattern blog which was one of the first blogs I ever subscribed to via RSS! Past & Present: Paisley on Design*Sponge If you’re interested in the history of the paisley motif and issues of cultural appropriation, you should…

Goodbye Pete

This morning my uncle Pete died after battling pancreatic and liver cancer. There’s not much I can write that doesn’t sound cliched, but he was a great man… actually he was the kind of man this sort of thing shouldn’t happen to. Unfortunately cancer doesn’t care how nice a person you are, or how many…