Just DIY it.

Just DIY it.

I’ve been collecting a few rad tutorials and how-tos lately and I thought I’d post about them because you might want to do them too! Make a padded headboard. I made one last week and it was surprisingly easy after I found all the materials but beware, unless you have foam on hand it can…

Zombie apocalypse manicure.

Zombie apocalypse manicure.

I like painting my nails. It’s one thing I find I can do when I really need to practice some self care (that is looking after myself because I am human, not just looking after myself to practice femininity) and lately I’ve been getting into doing fun things with my nails. Nothing too difficult, just…

Friday Fance: Prodigal Fance

I don’t think anyone noticed the gaping hole left by the Fance this past two Fridays, but I’m bringing it back. Just for you, my adoring readership who didn’t really miss it at all. Who am I kidding? I just like collecting images of fancy stuff. It’s all for me! This gorgeous photo is an…

Friday Fance: In the schmick of time

I’m curious to know if “schmick” is a word that lots of people use, or if it’s just common to Brisbane. I call things that are fancy and awesome and good looking “schmick” and all my friends and family get it and use it too. Sometimes I call Nick “Schmick” because well, he is. Recently,…

Get your nails DIYed

Being an artist and particularly one with a wrist injury, I think a lot about my hands and how useful they are (also how awful it would be if I lost use of them). For years I’ve never really been into decorating my hands with polish because it seemed like a waste – nails are…