I’ve been collecting a few rad tutorials and how-tos lately and I thought I’d post about them because you might want to do them too!

Make a padded headboard.
I made one last week and it was surprisingly easy after I found all the materials but beware, unless you have foam on hand it can be expensive and I couldn’t find flush mounts anywhere! The bedhead pictured is by aimlesslyhome.

Make a Leyendecker-inspired dress.
I don’t like the sherbert orange fringe (even though it’s a cool colour!) but I love the ideas in this. You could revamp t-shirts in lots of different ways with these ideas.

Paint a unicorn on your thumb.
I don’t know if my nails are long enough for this but maybe I could paint a tiny unicorn? Watch the video to see what kinds of tools are used (a skewer!) for your future nail art experiments.

Make a small dog harness.
We bought Miffy a harness but it keeps coming loose and it isn’t very awesome looking. I’m going to make her all kinds of cute harnesses now!

Braid a necklace.
This is a nice project for gifts or for doing on a lovely crafternoon with your friends. Honestly WTF also has tutorials for a wrap bracelet and braided hex nut bracelet. Make a bunch and mix them together on your wrist, it looks great.

Make a framed garden.
I’ve loved vertical gardens for so long, and this project is an awesome small scale idea that you can hang on a wall. I want to scour op shops for frames of all sizes so I can make lots of framed gardens to hang on the fence in the backyard.
I do love the vertical garden, what a fantastic idea!!
Where do you get your DYI ideas?
re: tumblr. actually it is your mil’s bizness if you live rent free/for extremely cheap in her house but spend all your $$ on nail polish :/:/
very classy and stylish content; this framed garden is as like awesome truly
very nice; I like to make a deal over this necklace which probably suits with
my gown; Good Job.
The vertical garden is stunning. The colors are just gorgeous.
I still want a headboard. They look so awesome. I wish my bed wasn’t on an outside wall.
I love doable DIY projects. I most like them when someone else does them for me. ;D
See you on twitter!
Very cool, I love the head board and unicorn on the thumb:)
P.S. I love your blog!!