The poster I designed for Charlie Mayfair‘s film clip tour. The latest issue of Peppermint magazine with my lettering (and a BUNNY!) on the cover. Other things in my display cabinet… Some iPhone photos

The poster I designed for Charlie Mayfair‘s film clip tour. The latest issue of Peppermint magazine with my lettering (and a BUNNY!) on the cover. Other things in my display cabinet… Some iPhone photos
I’m always very chuffed to be asked to be part of anything printed, whether it be a zine or a magazine because it means people are holding something that my lines embellish, acknowledging it and sometimes even keeping it for a while. Physical objects are important and they take up space in the real world,…
How exciting, issue 5 of Peppermint is out! I may have an early copy though (thanks Kelley), I’m not sure when it comes out at the newsagent. You can see the adorable Renee-Anne on the cover in a blouse I am seriously coveting right now. Oh yeh, and my letters :P
I was invited to submit some of my older work to Gestalten publication Hair’em Scare’em, and today I got my contributer copy. The book is full of fantastic illustrative and photographic work from a huge variety of artists – I was really impressed with it, and myself for being published alongside such great names! That’s…
This month the lovely Lady Melbourne is being lovely on the cover of Peppermint magazine; my lettering is quite chuffed to hover at her shoulder! And most exciting, Peppermint won three awards for design and sustainability at the Publisher’s Australia Excellence Awards. Congratulations, I feel awesome by proxy having worked with you Kelley! has been redesigned and it only took months and months to get it up! Apparently there’s a problem with IE6 that Nick is going to look at tonight, but I heartily suggest you download Firefox or the latest IE anyway. Peppermint magazine issue 2 is landing soon! The cover features a beautiful illustration of…
I’ve just been working on stuff, you see. One of those bits of stuff is evident in the picture above… see the bunch of squiggly lines down the bottom? That’s mah paisleyz on the cover of the launch issue of Peppermint magazine! The magazine is launching this Friday in Paddington, so I might scoot along…