I’ve only just gotten around to pulling the photos from our holiday off the camera, and unsurprisingly there weren’t that many! We did take photos of the little bit of time we spent in Armidale visiting the lovely Sonya so I will share a few here for you. [Warning: Animated gif at the end of…
All posts tagged photos

Hanging with Frans.
While it’s nice living down the Gold Coast, being close to the beach and generally living a slower paced life, I miss Brisbane and my friends a lot. We went up for a picnic at New Farm Park on Sunday in absolutely scorching heat, but you know the best thing about being around friends in…
![Tonight on Disaster Chef… [insert flame visual]](https://definatalie.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/IMG_6894-7.jpg)
Tonight on Disaster Chef… [insert flame visual]
I have been craving roasted cherry tomatoes with balsamic vinegar reduction for the last week and tonight was the first night in a long time that I’ve had enough energy to cook. So I decided to righteously address my craving and because it was such a momentous occasion I took photos. Seriously, when you find…

Reflections on and photos from the Fat Studies conference
As I mentioned in my last post, the Fat Studies conference was incredible. I’m not sure where to begin telling you about the people I met, the talks I heard and the discussions I had but I figured I may as well do a round up of sorts of all the talks I went to.…

Off to Sydney (again)!
Last night I put the finishing touches on my presentation for the Fat Studies Conference! I scanned a bunch of photos and this was one of my favourites – I got very sunburnt on year 12 camp and one of my friends put a spider in my lap when she came across the photo in…
Goodbye Pete
This morning my uncle Pete died after battling pancreatic and liver cancer. There’s not much I can write that doesn’t sound cliched, but he was a great man… actually he was the kind of man this sort of thing shouldn’t happen to. Unfortunately cancer doesn’t care how nice a person you are, or how many…