I’ve been seeing kale chips all over the internet for the last year or so but because kale is oddly hard to find where we live I never tried them until today. If you’re already a kale chip convert feel free to nod knowingly and scroll on, this post is for the newbies. My mother-in-law…
All posts tagged vegetarian

New camera!!
We bought a new camera the other day! I’ve been pining for a DSLR for years, and when we came across a good deal (posted by one of our Twitter friends) we basically rushed out to get it! It’s a Canon EOS 1000D, just an entry level camera, but I think it’s a good place…

Easy House Vegetarian Restaurant: A+ will eat again
I grew up on Brisbane’s southside eating a lot of Chinese cuisine, but since going vegetarian I haven’t eaten much of it because many of the meals are centred around meat. When Nick told me we were going to the Gold Coast for vegetarian Chinese I was terribly excited because Brisbane has a real lack…
Thanks Nigella, food is pretty awesome!
When you talk about hard issues, like body image and being fat and feminism, it’s nice to have a refuge. Somewhere to recoop lost Sanity Points. A little place where you don’t have to justify why you have the right to take up space, or field the same old tired questions. Nigella Lawson is one…
Sweet potato and lentil patties
Today I was in the mood for a bit of a burger but lately I’ve gone off animal meat, so I put the feelers out on the lazyweb (i.e: Twitter!) for a vege patty recipe. Viv supplied me with this sweet potato (or kumara) and lentil patty recipe, and it was so incredible that I…