Doodling in magazines…

I deface my magazines. Yes. I do. I’m not one of those people who keeps a collection of pristine magazines, spines uncracked, ink still smelling… inky and page corners the exact opposite of dog-eared. I admit, this issue of frankie is still current. Tens of… tens on the frankie forum would gasp in horror, but…

Me, in a Test Everything production

Hey, it’s one of my drawings in lovingly hand printed zine format! I drew this for Rand’s zine “Everything’s Okay, I Drew This For You”. I knew of Rand through Eat Sleep Draw and added him as a friend of flickr. When I saw he was plotting this zine and asking for submissions I had…

I make videos (poorly)

new scanner! from Natalie Perkins on Vimeo. Ever since I got my new camera last year, I’ve been into making videos with it. They aren’t especially good, but I guess I’ve always been interested in video and it’s a way to improve my skill level! I had been using Windows Movie Maker (gasp) on my…

Ghostpatrol video by

If you haven’t heard of Ghostpatrol, definitely check out this video. I have admired his style for a few years, and I really respect how many mediums he has crossed! I took a few photos of his graffiti work while we were down in Melbourne in December, I got such a kick out of spotting…

When you commission an illustration from me…

This is what you get! This is going off to London for Carolyn, but I’d love to send stuff to you too. Then I’ll creep around your place at night, sliding notes under your front door. But seriously, if you’re interested in commissioning an illustration from me, just drop a line to natalie -at-…

The Bearded Lady of Brussels

Now, I told a big old story about how we never had brussels sprouts when I was a kid, because Dad couldn’t stand the smell of them, and then the stupid back end logged me out and I lost the tome that I had written, boo. The upshot of it all was that I’m horrid…

New drawing!

I have been unbelievably busy so far this year, who knew you could be so busy pushing pens around? I certainly didn’t, bring it on! It took me a month to be able to draw something new for myself, and I’m kind of glad because I got the opportunity to reflect a lot on exactly…