The Fanciest New Year

I am really excited about 2010, and it’s not because I want to see the back of 2009. It’s because this year has been really wonderful: I have made strides in my art career, met so many new friends, reached a place of peace within myself and just generally had a lot of fun. When…

It’s Boxing Day!

Ahh the day of fussing over hangovers, and wondering what on earth you’re going to do with all this stuff you were given yesterday. And shopping the sales, if you do that sort of thing (I’ve only done it once, never again!) I hope you all had a safe and happy day yesterday, and that…

My work in print

I was invited to submit some of my older work to Gestalten publication Hair’em Scare’em, and today I got my contributer copy. The book is full of fantastic illustrative and photographic work from a huge variety of artists – I was really impressed with it, and myself for being published alongside such great names! That’s…

The first Stop Internet Censorship meeting

The December 21st Stop Internet Censorship meeting was excellent, and fortnightly meetings are commencing from January 4th 2010 in the evening. I am so proud of Nick, all the Stop Internet Censorship team and the speakers (Nic Suzor and Cameron Reilly). Nic Suzor, chair of Electronic Frontiers Australia. Discussion about what action we should take…

My birthday weekend

I need a weekend to recover from the weekend! What a fantastic birthday! I turned 29 with my mates and my family and had bogloads of fun. On Saturday Nick and I went down the coast to a family Christmas dinner, then zoomed back to Brisbane to hang out with friends and sing karaoke in…

The Friday unFance

Sometimes things are just the opposite of fance, and they make me grumpy. This is a post dedicated to a few of those things! Censorship is a terrible direction for the Australian government to go, and I am very disappointed and worried about the future. The clean feed is claiming to be about protecting children…