Where have you been?

“I just noticed you haven’t been blogging!” At the risk of indulging in some navel gazing and completely turning away those of you who hadn’t already written me off, I thought I might make a low key comeback by interrogating myself and asking why I haven’t been blogging. When I wrote about fatshion blogging and…

Shop the fance

Where have I been? What have I been doing? These are questions you might be asking. Heck, I’ve been asking that of myself! I’ve actually sequestered myself in my study making lots of things, far from human contact (not really). Last night I launched the biggest update of Fancy Lady Industries in history and I…

Cool new stuff for all you people.

I’ve been busy giving Fancy Lady Industries a complete overhaul, tinkering with its innermost workings and fine tuning the whole shebang so I can bring you new stuff in different ways. The most electrifying development amongst a cast of thrills is GOLD GLITTER fat necklaces! I’m running a presale for this limited edition of the…

Sweetheart floral dress.

Welcome to my sheet dress! Mum gave me this old floral sheet the other week and I was surprised at how heavy it was; I’ve never had the pleasure of sleeping on sheets of such quality! I pretty much never wear light coloured clothing so I’m baffled as to why I was so enthusiastic about…

The one-eyed dog.

Last week Miffy suddenly developed painful glaucoma in her right eye, leading to the necessary removal of the eye. I was absolutely shocked at this rapid unravelling of events as she simply woke up in pain and with a depressed demeanour where the night before she was full of play and fun. When the vet…