Lately I’ve been feeling 90s fashion, probably because I follow Tavi’s Tumblr and she’s discovering all the awesome third wave/ riot girl stuff from last decade. I don’t know about you but I wore a lot of slip dresses, cardigans and boots in the 90s; I was a teenager and I didn’t have any money…
All posts tagged Body Image
Links across the bloggiverse
Jane Austen’s Fight Club. Posted for the benefit of anyone who hasn’t seen it on Jezebel yet ;) Chally at Feministe kindly did a transcript for it too! 10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life Here’s the thing: it really bothers me when people dismiss the internet because they have limited experience with…
Lane Bryant, your market is changing #teamfance
Let me preface this with a huge disclaimer: I’m Australian and I’ve never shopped at Lane Bryant, however I have bought a couple of Lane Bryant dresses second-hand via the fatshionista community. Through reading fat-o-sphere blogs, I’ve gained a bit of understanding about how LB have catered to a disenfranchised market and how for some…
Links across the bloggiverse (all the way)
This is the soundtrack to this post. If you haven’t heard this, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? You can thank me for the earworm in cupcakes. I never want the harmonised version at the end of this to end, so good. Swimsuits, Facebook groups, and Ranty McRant Rants. Adrienne buys a bikini and gets angry about…
Rejecting the notion of the flattering outfit
I have wanted to talk about the notion of the flattering outfit for a while now, because my Skinny Jeans post seemed to bring up a lot of discussion on the topic. For a lot of people, rejecting the haters and wearing what you want is a great message up to a point, but wearing…
Confessions of a former snarker
To know me is to watch me change. I’ve had about five different hair colours in the last year, but that’s not what I mean. I want to talk about changing my mind, my outlook, and my behaviour. It’s highly unrealistic to have a picture of someone in your mind that never changes, yet it’s…
No more Frock Watch Mia, please
Mia Freedman is an ex-editor of Australian Cosmopolitan magazine, and now a blogger and supposed advocate for body image. Recently she came under fire for a post about gainerism and using language that painted all fat people in a really awful way. She did not moderate the hateful comments on the post, and in fact…
Help me get to the Fat Studies conference
❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥ WE DID IT!!!! Overnight my target was met! I am so grateful for the support I have and that I am able to go do such a fantastic thing because of all these people who have invested in me. ❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥ You might remember that I’m giving a paper called “You Sound Fat: Fat embodiment…
It’s nice to share
This collection of links I’ve curated is deeply fascinating and dense. You should probably save them for a moment when you’re most lucid and cradling a cup of tea. I’m glad I started posting links to share on this blog, because up until now I didn’t really appreciate the incredible variety of discussions I observe…
Wherein I wear clothes in another city
I’ve had a pretty exciting week, and not all of it due to the crazy amount of blog love (and a bit of stern e-disapproval!) This past few days I’ve been in Melbourne taking part in a body image project and meeting the fabulous Jacqui, and then last night I got news that I will…