Low brow, low committment.

Low brow, low committment.

Every time I drive over the Story Bridge I feel warm and fuzzy. There’s been no time to finish drawings for me :( Except when I get new inks and I spend a bunch of time playing with them! The card I made for my sister’s birthday… I’ve been infected with the hipster isosceles and…

Badass fance.

Badass fance.

I don’t know who Whistles are but this is a very nice invitation that they sent out and gives me all kinds of ideas. Cut out people were one of my favourite things when I was a kid, and now I wonder why I don’t do more of them. I haven’t done much paper cutting…

Don’t dream it’s Oct-over (groan)

Don’t dream it’s Oct-over (groan)

If I sneak in and deposit these desktops right here, no one will have any idea that they are five days late…. right?! Unfortunately, no. I know you’ve been waiting and I’m so sorry for the delay. My sister got married and I’ve been doing all manner of things but now October can officially begin!…

Some typographic things and a bug.

Some typographic things and a bug.

When Alex Louisa let me know that my Lovely postcard was used in this month’s issue of Home Beautiful magazine I was pretty surprised. I’m glad the stylist liked it enough to include it (though it’d be cool if it was attributed, just saying!) This is what I do on Friday nights. I’m not a…