Sonya told me the other week that she thought white suited me, so this outfit is dedicated to her! I don’t typically wear a lot of white as it is a colour prone to showing exactly everything I spill and smear all over it. As I’m recently more clumsy thanks to Graves Disease, I thought…
All posts tagged Evans
Let’s go browser window shopping!
Stevie Nicks always loomed large in my childhood as some kind of ethereal fae creature. My Nana had a bunch of old clothes she kept for us to dress up in, and so we’d swan about dripping with long skirts and scarves and I always felt like Stevie was out there somewhere being proud of…
And now for… 2011.
Happy New Year! This was possibly the lowest key NYE of my adult life, and it was nice to spend it with close friends. I can’t drink at the moment because of my medication so it was super super low key, but I still woke up late this morning (thanks meds that make me feel…
Polka dot love
I promised I’d do a round up of all the people who posted photos of them wearing the Beth Ditto for Evans polka dot dress and then I promptly forgot about it. Fortunately, in this instance, nothing stays forgotten too long on the internet and when I was showing J of Fatshionable the hanky hem…
#dittowatch: From Evans to my wardrobe
I got my parcel of Beth Ditto for Evans stuff on Friday when I was actually at my mother’s preparing for my sister’s wedding! Nick called me up to tell me especially, pretty cheeky or caring husband? HMMM! I tried on my stuff last night and was super excited to take photos so I could…
I’m officially on #dittowatch
The Beth Ditto A/W collection hits Evans in a few hours and a bunch of us are chatting about it on twitter under the #dittowatch hashtag. If you’re killing time while waiting for it to be released, come join us! I think it speaks volumes about the scarcity of plus size fashion when a collection…
New clobber: let me show you it
There is nothing more thrilling than being roused by the postie making an early morning parcel delivery and then sitting in bed ripping everything open like a 4 year old on Christmas day. Oh wait, there is something more exciting… trying everything on and having it all fit perfectly! It seems like I’ve been waiting…