Scopophobia is the morbid fear of being stared at. When you’re fat, you’re stared at a lot.

Scopophobia is the morbid fear of being stared at. When you’re fat, you’re stared at a lot.
Content warning: I will be discussing weight loss surgery and intentional weight loss. “Have you thought about weight loss surgery?” I’ve been asked this approximately 462,623 times in my colourful career as a 40 year old super fat lady but it was this particular moment in my psychiatrist’s office in January that got me. For…
This past year has been tough for me. I’ve been ping-ponging between hypomania and depression while living with social anxiety that sees me unable to leave my house for weeks at a time. Navigating life as a mentally ill person in Australia is confusing and opaque. This post discusses mental illness and self harm. It’s…
I’m really fed up with the tortured artist trope. People have said it about me since I was a teenager, and while it’s true that I am kind of a bit artistic and also depressed as fuck, the latter does not positively affect the former. If this were the case I’d be a lot further…
I have been craving roasted cherry tomatoes with balsamic vinegar reduction for the last week and tonight was the first night in a long time that I’ve had enough energy to cook. So I decided to righteously address my craving and because it was such a momentous occasion I took photos. Seriously, when you find…
I spent the last few days in hospital. My mental state has been getting increasingly worse and Nick was very worried about me when I started talking about some of the dark feelings I’ve been experiencing, so he took me to see our doctor who saw straight away that I needed help. I was admitted…
Over the last few months I’ve been coming to terms with learning something new about myself. I’ve been dealing with generalised anxiety and depression for many years but a few months ago I found out I was also suffering with social anxiety. I’ve never been into partying a lot (well, besides my early 20s and…
It’s the last day of Fat(t)shion February and even though I don’t feel like telling you about this day or the clothes that covered me throughout it, I feel like I need to. Because some days I don’t want to pick clothes to wear. It’s just too hard. Some days I just pull on random…
I have been sick in the last few months and it’s been very difficult to manage all the different parts of my life while also taking care of me. A few months ago my anxiety got to a point where it was making me withdraw from the world and it probably would have been a…
You might have noticed lately but my posting is all over the place, and lots of the regular stuff hasn’t been so regular. I haven’t been feeling very well and so today Nick took me out for a change of scenery. Brisbane is lucky to have lots of gorgeous parks, and one of the most…