Like many people, I’ve spent a long time fretting over being ugly. Beauty, or being pale and smooth skinned, able bodied, straight haired, thin, with symmetrical features amongst many others of varying arbitrariness, seems to be rewarded with good times, pay rises, attention, excused speeding tickets, prolific representation in the mass media, romantic partners and…
All posts tagged illustration

Did you hear about the #fancybonanza?
Win fancy stuff #fancybonanza! Win • an ivory No Diet Talk brooch, • purple hologram fat necklace and • a custom digital portrait of you. How? Follow: @fancyladyind on Twitter Tweet: I want to win the #fancybonanza! (Just once is all it takes!) 15% off Fat necklaces Use FAT15 on checkout Giveaway closes Dec 8…

Fat Babes Illustrated.
Fat Babes Illustrated is a personal project I’ve been working on recently, inspired by the complete dearth of marginalised bodies represented in illustration, and by the awesome babes who share photos of themselves on the internet. I’ve always said that representation and visibility are the main reasons why I blog, but when I looked at…

I’ve been watching Fringe lately and thinking about myselves, if I could ever possibly know the alternate mes that populate other parallel universes. A few years ago I went on a huge physics kick and watched any documentary I could find about the multiverse and wormholes and string theory, and even though I’m not really…

Long live the Pastry Queen!
I’ve wanted to get a pastry related tattoo for a while now, and since I’m well into this whole cravings project I figured it’d be a grand time to kill these two birds with one stone. AND THUS: Pastry Queen was born! It’s not the first time I’ve played with hair-that-is-not-hair-but-in-fact-other-things, and maybe that’s a…

These things came out of my pen.
I’m trying really really hard not to let this drawing thing go, but I have a feeling I over-did it yesterday. That’s the sort of thing that I’m really good at, I throw myself into something until I burn out! I’d rather not burn out, in fact it kind of scares me, so I will…

Elaborate Donut Cravings.
The other night I had a craving for a donut, but not a cinnamon sugar donut, more like an elaborate donut with sprinkles, fun, love, ticker-tape parades and a cheesecake filling. A donut as a metaphor for the things I can’t do right now, something that is elusive and out of reach signifying aspirations and…

My art needs your walls and vice versa.
I’m selling a bunch of my framed original art at a discount for the rest of June! Nick and I are moving down the Gold Coast to live with his Mum and we need to raise money and minimise our possessions. In the last six months I have been on an art-making hiatus and I’m…

December, the last desktop.
I don’t really do Christmas and it’s hard to know what kind of colours will best suit all around the globe for these desktops, but I settled on a lovely turquoise, coral and canvas colour scheme for December’s desktop because it’s one of my favourites. It reminds me of the beach… hot sand, cool water…

Drawing on everyone’s walls.
After all my talk about taking time to do personal work, I’ve not really even had the time to do that. I have done a lot of sketching and doodling throughout the last few months, but in recent weeks my brain has told me to shut down and focus on myself and drawing. Some pretty…