No, this isn’t a photo from two years ago, and my hair hasn’t magically grown… it’s from Wednesday and I’m wearing hair extensions! Nick and I met up with Dr Lauren and Isaac from Griffith Uni to discuss our involvement in an exciting fat studies project, and as Nick took these photos we had Isaac…
All posts tagged fat activism
Riding a bike: It’s not just like riding a bike.
My first bike was a mustard yellow Malvern Star that Dad bought second hand for Christmas. The colour was awful and I remember being excited to have a bike but so horrified at the colour. Dad taught my sister and I to ride in our cul-de-sac and soon we were flying down the hill in…
Back in town.
We moved down to the Gold Coast this week and it’s been intense! Fortunately the move went smoothly and we’ve only lost the TV remote control in transit and pinched a few nerves. Protip: Use your knees when lifting and tape your remote to your TV. We came back to Brisbane on Thursday and stayed…
Megaherzzz Clothing Swap, and Being Fat in Brisbane.
I attended the 4zzz Megaherzzz Clothing Swap today, and it was a little bittersweet finally getting to hang around such rad people before I move down the coast. Community is so important to me, but dealing with social anxiety is a huge barrier so I’ve found my community online over the past decade. I’ve wanted…
With chronic bitchface.
What are friends for if they won’t pose in silly photos with you? Zoe and I decided to do an impromptu photo shoot showing off our incredible modeling skills. I suggested to Nick that he mimic skeezebag Terry Richardson’s style of photo taking but he was very uncomfortable with that considering that Richardson is awful…
PRESALE time! Order a fat necklace this week.
YES THAT IS RIGHT! You can pre-order a fat necklace this week. I know I’m a month behind on this but I just haven’t been able to organise everything properly but now is the time to unleash the fat necklaces again in red, black, pink and white as well as purple hologram and gold mirror.…
Introducing Dastardly Donut.
I have no words to explain the sheer amounts of bullcrap that happened yesterday, so I drew a comic. Basically it began with Biggest Loser starting it’s newest season in Australia, then John Birmingham writing about it being good pityporn for his kids so they don’t get fat, and then a trillian jerks thought they’d…
So that was 2010.
It’s the last day of the year and I’ve seen a bunch of blogs do recaps of the highlights of their year, and so I thought I’d do mine too. This year was packed with fun and challenge and sadness, and I can’t say it was a terrible year but I can say it was…
Thirty and angry and fabulous, darling.
This post was meant to be about what I wore last night to celebrate turning 30, but as usual I can’t really separate what I wear and who I am and what I’m doing. So here’s a huge post I wrote while reflecting on my birthday, what I wore and what I’m about. When I…
Attractive people, fancy headwear and blooming boots.
I always love coming across this photo, Club Allegro Fortissimo by William Klein. From my years of musical training (cough, makes me sound more knowledgeable than I actually am!) I think that translates to Club Fast and Loud, which is badass. I have been busy/ overwhelmed in the past month and haven’t organised another Aquaporko…