We lost Miffy on Sunday. She had been showing signs of neurological distress in recent weeks and had a terrible turn for the worst on Saturday night. As I napped on Sunday morning after a 3am run to the vet hospital, I heard, “Natalie, it’s time”. Nick has a habit of waking me up from…
All posts in Life
The one-eyed dog.
Last week Miffy suddenly developed painful glaucoma in her right eye, leading to the necessary removal of the eye. I was absolutely shocked at this rapid unravelling of events as she simply woke up in pain and with a depressed demeanour where the night before she was full of play and fun. When the vet…
Watching as the locals pass silver balls…
It would be remiss of me not to include a lyric from Ben Fold’s “Adelaide” about the city we just got back from visiting for our niece’s wedding. We didn’t actually pass the silver balls in Rundle Mall on this trip (and it’s been over a decade since I’ve done it!) because we were in…
Perks’ Backyard *
I haven’t posted much about our new place mostly because I’m still working on it. The garden has come a pretty long way since we moved in and I may as well show you the progress! We don’t have a large yard, and we weren’t fond of having the small space made even smaller by…
Goodbye Nana
My Nana died on the weekend. She has always been an exceptional woman, and an exceptional Nana. Her love and support for me and my creative work have been unflagging, and she helped me a lot with setting up my shop. I still don’t really know what to say. I spent yesterday scanning photos and…
Ankledale, or our only holiday photos.
I’ve only just gotten around to pulling the photos from our holiday off the camera, and unsurprisingly there weren’t that many! We did take photos of the little bit of time we spent in Armidale visiting the lovely Sonya so I will share a few here for you. [Warning: Animated gif at the end of…
When IRLs collide, or Erin is cool.
Last week we were in Brisbane and Erin was on the Sunshine Coast visiting her family so we took advantage of this and drove up to have lunch with her. We’ve known Erin through Twitter for a year or so and normally she lives far away in the magical land of Melbourne town, but fortunately…
Giftmas of 2011 past.
I know everyone’s already posted their holiday photos but we were staying at Mum and Dad’s and I only just mustered the energy to pull all the photos off my camera. We had a quiet Christmas, a claim Nick would object to coming from a small family, and spent the day with my immediate family,…
Year at a glance.
Last year sucked for a lot of reasons. Anxiety and depression threatened to take everything I knew away from me. I was admitted to a psych ward. Diagnosed with Graves Disease and PTSD. Lost friends. Moved cities. Lost autonomy. Spent a lot of money trying to get better. Had to give up my art practice…
Miffy does not enjoy holidays.
But we hope you have the opportunity to enjoy yours, and if you aren’t able to have a holiday I hope you can glean a few moments to look after yourself. This year has been really tough for me. I’m not the kind of person to tell a whole year to sod off because on…