Giftmas of 2011 past.

Giftmas of 2011 past.

I know everyone’s already posted their holiday photos but we were staying at Mum and Dad’s and I only just mustered the energy to pull all the photos off my camera. We had a quiet Christmas, a claim Nick would object to coming from a small family, and spent the day with my immediate family,…

Pre-birthday unbirthday.

Pre-birthday unbirthday.

[Warning: this post contains an animated gif.] The Wheel of Brisbane is pretty much a huge laughing stock situated at South Bank, a somewhat scaled down version of the London Eye. Normally it costs a ridiculous amount just for the pleasure of seeing exactly what you might if you were on a balcony somewhere on…

Hanging with Frans.

Hanging with Frans.

While it’s nice living down the Gold Coast, being close to the beach and generally living a slower paced life, I miss Brisbane and my friends a lot. We went up for a picnic at New Farm Park on Sunday in absolutely scorching heat, but you know the best thing about being around friends in…

Back in town.

Back in town.

We moved down to the Gold Coast this week and it’s been intense! Fortunately the move went smoothly and we’ve only lost the TV remote control in transit and pinched a few nerves. Protip: Use your knees when lifting and tape your remote to your TV. We came back to Brisbane on Thursday and stayed…

Today’s theme is WAFFLES (and tea).

Today’s theme is WAFFLES (and tea).

I haven’t really had many waffles in my lifetime, in fact I distinctly remember eating one in my childhood and not liking it very much. It could have been the ice cream served with it (I’m not a huge fan) or it could have been the horrid overwhelming cardboard texture. Lesley Knope really likes waffles…